
November 22, 2020 | 12:20

No junk, spend your time

Black Friday is here. And with Christmas ante portas the final countdown with the toughest end-bosses in IT support begins: The own parents, partners or children with their new or old digital devices. The fundaments are laid in the upcoming days and weeks when stuff with more or less technical debts is bought. Read more

November 19, 2020 | 15:50

Ghost Join in WebEx Conferernces

Due to a vulnerability (CVE--), attackers could join Webex meetings without being listed in the participants list. Hidden as a “ghost” from the other participants, attackers could eavesdrop on audio and video content. This is what Heise writes in his article today. But this is only possible (…) if attackers have access to meetings in the form of shared links and a password. Read more

November 13, 2020 | 10:30

Example for Digital Sovereignty

What a pity, this is exactly the scenario I first expected for Microsoft. But I’m not really surprised that Apple is now ahead, what happened? The ocsp.apple.com server was apparently down and/or unreachable between yesterday and today. Unfortunately macOS tries to reach it every time an app is opened to check if a certificate has expired or an app has been retracted or some more magic. Read more

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