
July 12, 2021 | 07:40

What did you do this weekend?

Over the weekend I have increased security and automatized processes - that’s lame! This can be anything or nothing, too vague and unspecific. Well technically correct and with a touch of cynicism: “I translated bash scripts to YAML.” Okay, let’s agree on: I consolidated numerous bash scripts for automatically renewing certificates, reduced complexity, eliminated potential security risks when transferring certificates from outside reverse proxies to inside hosts, and made everything more transparent with both Ansible and Git. Read more

July 10, 2021 | 08:25

Live-Event - RDPwrapper

Wednesday afternoon is designated for live-events on topics, software and technologies on my bucketlist, but not yet taken. So why not fire up screen-recording and make this an established part of this blog? Everything live and with the potential for being pin-tailed like a donkey when something’s going south? Read more

July 2, 2021 | 15:15

Live-Event - Nextcloud 22

Wednesday afternoon is designated for live-events on topics, software and technologies on my bucketlist, but not yet taken. So why not fire up screen-recording and make this an established part of this blog? Everything live and with the potential for being pin-tailed like a donkey when something’s going south? Read more

June 18, 2021 | 00:10

Quiz for more best practice and awareness

A quizzle for the weekend: Which of the following domains is most likely a malicious one? Look closely! ԁeutsche-telekom.de sparkasse-ԁarmstadt.de cloud.sessionID.cf..tw/.fra.commerzbank.de Quite simple, some will say. Others claim they never fail to phishing mails or open unknown file attachments. This always happens to the others! Whoever knows such a person may pass this quiz to him or her. Read more

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